The Inimitable Jeeves (Jeeves)
Main page / Bibliography / The Inimitable Jeeves (Jeeves)
UK Title: The Inimitable Jeeves
First published in UK: May 17 1923 by Herbert Jenkins, London
US Title: Jeeves
First published in US: September 28 1923 by George H. Doran, New York
Russian translations
- Shalostil aristokratov by A.Cherkashin: 1992
- Dzhivz by M.Gilinskij: 1995
- Etot nepodrazhaemyj Dzhivs by A.Balyasnikov: 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2008, 2008, 2008,
2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2014,
2016, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2025
- Neveroyatnye priklyucheniya Dzhivza i Vustera by N.Lavrov: 2001
Affairs of the heart run smoother for Jeeves's ministrations.
Bertie's friend Bingo falls in love with every other woman he meets, from
Mabel, the waitress at the bun shop, to the Amazonian Honoria Glossop (whom
Aunt Agatha has ear-marked for Bertie). Naturally there are obstacles to be
overcome - the matter of allowances, class prejudices and a lack of
revolutionary tendencies. Rely on Jeeves's superb brain-power to emancipate
Bertie and Bingo from the tightest of corners.
Click for enlarge book cover
Ten short stories, eight set in England, one in New York, one in
Roville-sur-mer. Seven of them feature Bertie's friend Bingo Little, in
love successively with a tea-shop waitress, Honoria Glossop, Daphne
Braythwayt, Charlotte Corday Rowbotham, Lady Cynthia Wickhammersley, Mary
Burgess and, for marriage and keeps, Rosie M. Banks, the best-selling
novelist. We also meet Claude and Eustace, Bertie's twin cousins, reading
for, at, or sent down from, Oxford. The Great Sermon Handicap is one for
the anthologies.
Source: Richard Usborne. Plum Sauce. A P G Wodehouse Companion.