Carry on, Jeeves
Main page / Bibliography / Carry on, Jeeves
First published in UK: October 9 1925 by Herbert Jenkins, London
First published in US: October 7 1927 by George H. Doran, New York
Russian translations
- Vpered, Dzhivz! by M.Gilinskij: 1995
- In collection Zolotoj fond mirovoj klassiki : 2004
- Rasskazy (short story collection): 2004,
2006, 2006, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2011
- Tak derzhat', Dzhivs! 2006, 2010, 2010, 2015, 2025
- Vpered, Dzhivs! 2018, 2022, 2024
Meet the inimitable gentleman's gentleman, Jeeves...
From the moment Jeeves glides into Bertie Wooster's life and provides him
with a magical hangover cure, Bertie begins to wonder how he's ever managed
without him. Jeeves makes himself totally indispensable in every way,
disentangling the hapless Bertie from scrapes with formidable aunts, madcap
girls and unbidden guests. His ability to dig assorted fellows out of
sundry holes is nothing short of miraculous. In short, the man is a
Click for enlarge book cover
This collection of ten short stories contains five that appeared first in
My Man Jeeves. Jeeves Takes Charge goes back in story-time to Jeeves
arriving from the agency at Bertie's flat, curing his hangover and being
instantly taken on, soon sacked and soon re-taken on. Bertie is engaged to
Florence Craye here, not for the last time in the annals. We meet for the
first and last time Bertie's Uncle Willoughby of Easeby, Shropshire, and,
for the first time, Florence's disastrous kid brother, Edwin the Boy Scout.
We find that Jeeves had once worked for their father, Lord Worplesdon.
Bertie's forgetful friend Biffy is engaged to Honoria Glossop in The Rummy
Affair of Old Biffy. We meet Bertie's Aunt Dahlia Travers (Clustering
Round Young Bingo) and her paper Milady's Boudoir for which Bertie has
written a 'piece'. And here are Bingo and Rosie Little, whose chef Anatole
joins the Travers staff for many books and excitements to come. The last
story Bertie Changes His Mind is the only one in the canon told by
Source: Richard Usborne. Plum Sauce. A P G Wodehouse Companion.