The Artistic Career of Corky
Main page / Bibliography / Carry on, Jeeves /
The Artistic Career of Corky
First published:
1916-02-05 Saturday Evening Post (US) Leave it to Jeeves
Russian translations
- Kar'era khudozhnika Korki by M.Gilinskij: 1995
- Triumfal'nyj debyut Korki by Yu.Zhukova: 2003, 2004, 2004,
2006, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2010,
2011, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2022, 2024, 2025
Bertie Wooster — Narrator visiting New York City and bothered by suits
Jeeves — Bertie's valet whose taste in clothes is infallible. He was
once in the service of the financier Digby Thistleton, now
Lord Bridgnorth.
(Corky) Bruce Corcoran — Bertie's friend who wants to be a
portrait painter but turns into a comicstrip artist
Alexander Worple — Corky's rich 51 year old uncle in the jute
business whose hobby is ornithology
Muriel Singer — Corky's fiancee who is a chorus girl and finally marries Worple
Sam Patterson (*)
Digby Thistleton (*)