Rupert J. The Efficient Baxter, bespectacled secretary to
Lord Emsworth in Something Fresh, where his employer (later to change his
views) describes him as "invaluable, positively invaluable."
Sacked in Leave It to Psmith, reappears in Summer Lightning, notorious for throwing
flowerpots as a result of an episode in Leave It to Psmith. Next appears
in The Crime Wave at Blandings, where Lady Constance persuades him to interrupt
a motor-bicycle tour of England to become tutor to Lord
Bosham's son George, whose air gun eventually causes his
evacuation. Employed by Alaric, Duke of Dunstable, in
Uncle Fred in the Springtime. Thickset and handicapped by that vaguely grubby
appearance which is presented by swarthy young men of bad
complexion; staring through his spectacles, he often gives
people the impression of possessing an eye that could pierce
six inches of harveyised steel and stick out the other side.
During his tenure at Blandings the domestic staff live in a
perpetual state of smouldering discontent under his rule.
During an interval between jobs at Blandings, employed as
sec'y to the Chicago millionaire Horace Jevons; has also been
in the employ of Sir Ralph Dillingsworth, a Yorkshire