Frederick Fotheringay Widgeon, a Drone in
Noblesse Oblige,
Good-Bye to All Cats,
Trouble Down at Tudsleigh,
The Masked Troubadour,
The Code of the Woosters,
Bramley Is So Bracing,
Joy in the Morning,
Freddie, Oofy, and the Beef Trust,
Ring For Jeeves,
Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit,
The Fat of the Land,
Ice in the Bedroom and
Bingo Bans the Bomb,
might have stepped straight out of
the advertisement columns of one of the glossier and more
expensive magazines, though criticisms have been made from
time to time of his intelligence. Went to school at St Asaph's.
Dependent on his uncle Rodney Widgeon, Lord Blicester
Another uncle in Fate is a bishop. Girls always like
Freddie at first—but he is a constantly unsuccessful suitor.
Gets the bird from Mavis Peasemarch in Fate and again in
Bramley Is So Bracing.
Courts April Carroway in Trouble Down at Tudsleigh, where he loses his
pants. Other girls with whom he has been in love include
Drusilla Wix, Dahlia Prenderby, Vanessa Vokes,
Helen Christopher, Dora Pinfold, and Hildegard Watt-Watson. If all the
girls he has loved and lost were placed end to end, they
would reach halfway down Piccadilly—or further, as some of
them were pretty tall. Courts Dora Pinfold in The Masked Troubadour, where
he performs anonymously at Amateur Night in the Bottleton
East Palace of Varieties and saves greasy bird Jos Waterbury
from a nasty pub brawl. Frequently touched by Waterbury
for small loans since then, he becomes involved with
Waterbury and Oofy Prosser in a wrestling promotion scheme in
Freddie, Oofy, and the Beef Trust. Once pinched at Hurst Park by his cousin Cyril, a
policeman, as recalled in Joy in the Morning. Bertie's rival in the Drones'
Darts Sweep in Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit. Originator of the Fat Uncles
sweepstakes at the Drones in The Fat of the Land, where his middle name is
given as Fortescue. Finally woos and wins Sally Foster in
Ice in the Bedroom, where Percy Cornelius loans him £3000 to start a
coffee plantation in Kenya. Of an innocent and unsuspicious
nature, he believes everything he reads in Time.