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Lady Wickham
Main page / Bibliography / Who is who / Lady Wickham

Lady Wickham of Skeldings Hall, Hertfordshire, relict of the late Sir Cuthbert Wickham, cousin to Mr. Mulliner, mother of Roberta, old friend of Aunt Agatha. A beaky female built far too closely on the lines of Aunt Agatha for Bertie's comfort; her eye is a combination of gimlet and X-ray, her chin reminiscent of a battleship going into action. Author of popular sentimental novels in Something Squishy, The Awful Gladness of the Mater, Mr. Potter Takes a Rest Cure, Jeeves and the Yule-Tide Spirit, Episode of the Dog McIntosh, Jeeves and the Kid Clementina, Jeeves in the Offing, writes under the name George Masterman. A member of the Pen and Ink Club, wants J.H. Potter in Mr. Potter Takes a Rest Cure to be the U.S. publisher of her books, which include Agatha's Vow, A Strong Man's Love, A Man for A' That, Meadowsweet, and Fetters of Fate. She takes a few shots at Dudley Finch in Dudley Is Back to Normal, but the bullets whistle harmlessly past his ears.

Source: Daniel H. Garrison. Who's Who in Wodehouse
Copyright Michel Kuzmenko (gmk), The Russian Wodehouse Society © 1996-2019. Established 04/04/1996.