Reggie Pepper, a Bertie Wooster prototype in Absent Treatment,
Helping Freddie,
Rallying Round Old George,
Disentangling Old Percy,
Doing Clarence A Bit of Good,
Concealed Art, and The Test Case, is nephew of the late
Edward Pepper of Pepper, Wells, & Co., the colliery people.
Heir through his uncle to a sizable chunk of bullion, he has
never worked. Was at Oxford with Freddie Meadowes and
Bill Schoolbred. Helps Bobbie Cardew remember his wife's
birthday in Absent Treatment. Helps Freddie Meadowes win back the
affections of Angela West in Helping Freddie. His valet in Rallying Round Old George, where
he rallies round old George Lattaker, is Harold Voules. In
Concealed Art, where he helps Archie Ferguson conceal his cartoonist's
art from Eunice Nugent, his man is named Wilberforce.
A despised friend of Florence in Disentangling Old Percy, he helps disentangle
her brother Percy from an engagement to the unsuitable
Dorothea Darrell, with the result that Dorothea becomes
Florence's stepmother. Once engaged to Elizabeth Schoolbred,
to oblige whom he destroys the wrong Venus, i.e.
Clarence Yeardsley's "Jocund Spring," in Doing Clarence A Bit of Good (cf. Bertie
Wooster in Jeeves Makes an Omelet). Gets the mitten from Ann Selby in The Test Case,
the last of the seven Reggie Pepper stories, where he helps
save Harold Bodkin's marriage.