The summer term at Beckford College. Alan Gethryn is head of Leicester's
House in the Sixth, the XI and the XV. A new boy arrives at Leicester's,
Reginald Farnie, who reveals himself to be Gethryn's uncle. Farnie is a
bright lad, but an embarrassment to the nephew set in authority over him.
Farnie gets into money trouble (not his fault) and disappears. Gethryn
leaves a cricket House Match to go and find him, and Leicester's lose the
match without him. There is a poetry prize, entry mandatory to the whole of
the Upper Fifth. Lorimer of the Upper Fifth has a kid sister, Mabel, and
Pringle, who shares a study with Lorimer, is 'gone on' her. Sex had not
reared its innocent head in The Pothunters (1902) at all.
Source: Richard Usborne. Plum Sauce. A P G Wodehouse Companion.