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Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / О П.Г.Вудхаузе / Marriage is not a process for prolonging the life of love...
- Автор ssmith Время 2010-02-21 00:22
With so much love and marriage going on the butler Ferris steals the show with his views on the matter, ‘Weren’t you happy when you got married Ferris?’, ‘No, Sir.’, ‘Was Mrs Ferris?’, ‘She appeared to take a certain girlish pleasure in the ceremony, Sir, but it soon blew over.’

Ferries finally sums up ‘Marriage is not a process for prolonging the life of love, Sir. It merely mummifies its corpse.’

Эта последняя фраза звучит в двух книгах Вудхауза, но вообще вид у нее бородатый.
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Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / О П.Г.Вудхаузе / Marriage is not a process for prolonging the life of love...

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