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Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / О П.Г.Вудхаузе / Краткое содержание TALES OF ST AUSTIN'S 1903
- Автор ssmith Время 2009-10-29 16:37

Back to St Austin's College for twelve short stories, eleven of which had appeared in The Captain and The Public School Magazine. Charteris appears again. In fact 'The Manoeuvres of Charteris' (forty-three pages) may have been the start of a notional novel, with the Headmaster's twelve-year-old niece Dorothy as heroine to Charteris's hero. The book ends with five essaylets from The Public School Magazine. 'The Tom Brown Question' asks, in dialogue, who can have written the utterly feeble second half of that classic public school novel. (In tact it was still Hughes. But later biography has shown that he wrote the second half after the loss of a beloved daughter, which had badly affected his still as a novelist.)

12 историй о школе Святого Остина, 11 из которых были опубликованы в The Captain and The Public School Magazine.
Снова мы встречаемся с Чартерисом.
Рассказ Маневры Чартериса из 42 двух страниц можно считать небольшим законченным романом Чартериса и 12и-летней племянницей Директора школы, Дороти.
В конце книги пять эссе из The Public School Magazine.

he Tom Brown Question' asks, in dialogue, who can have written the utterly feeble second half of that classic public school novel. (In tact it was still Hughes. But later biography has shown that he wrote the second half after the loss of a beloved daughter, which had badly affected his still as a novelist.)

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Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / О П.Г.Вудхаузе / Краткое содержание TALES OF ST AUSTIN'S 1903

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