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- - Автор gmk (Учредитель) Время 2008-11-19 16:34
Dear Wodehousians,

My name is Barry Tighe. I have written a novel called Jeeves to the Fore. It is a
continuation of the Jeeves novels of PG Wodehouse. The story involves Jeeves and
Wooster, of course, plus Aunt Dahlia, Gussie Fink-Nottle, Madeline Bassett, Oofy
Prosser and others.
At the moment you can find Jeeves to the Fore on any Amazon site and a few places
elsewhere. It might not be there much longer.

The Jeeves estate is unhappy and has ordered me to pulp all copies. I am asking them
to give me a fair hearing and am happy to pay fair recompense. As a disciple of the
Master it would give me great pleasure to help spread the word among a new
generation who are, through no fault of their own, ignorant of his work.
I am no lawyer but I suspect I have few legs to stand on. As a penniless author I
cannot put up much resistance.

I appreciate that I run the risk of the international Wodehouse societies announcing
a fatwah, or possibly fatwa, but I hurl myself upon the mercy of fans of Wodehouse

Will you give Jeeves to the Fore a fair hearing?

Yours with fingers crossed that Jeeves will return,

Barry Tighe
Исходное - Автор LyoSHICK Время 2008-11-19 20:57
На http://www.canwritewillwrite.com/:

>Jeeves to the Fore
>by Barry Tighe
>Sundered hearts trouble the world of Bertie Wooster. Aunt Dahlia rues the day she sold Milady's Boudoir to Liverpool newspaper...


>Published by
>Can Write Will Write
> Available here and from Amazon

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