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Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / Блоги / Вудхауз о БАКе (раз уж его сегодня запустили)
- Автор Doublin Время 2008-09-10 21:09
I was reading in the paper the other day about those birds who are trying to split the atom, the nub being that they haven't the foggiest as to what will happen if they do. It may be all right. On the other hand, it may not be all right. And pretty silly a chap would feel, no doubt, if having split the atom, he suddenly found the house going up in smoke and himself torn limb from limb. (c) B. Wooster (Right Ho, Jeeves)
Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / Блоги / Вудхауз о БАКе (раз уж его сегодня запустили)

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