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Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / Между 5й Авеню и Пикадилли / Интересно, возьмется ли кто-нибудь (мы) так за Вустера...?
- Автор ssmith Время 2006-10-16 22:41
Название: Narnia Movie Guide   (Нарния гид кинофильма)
Издательство: HarperCollins UK
Классификация: Фильмы, кино, мультипликация
Обложка: PB
Страницы: 276
Вес: 0,00 кг.
Дата издания: 14.11.2005
Описание: The only official behind-the-scenes book on the making of this year's Christmas blockbuster family movie, written by the film's Executive Producer. This sumptuous and heavily illustrated book is the ultimate companion to the first Narnia film. Written by the film's Executive Producer, Perry Moore, the book charts the very personal story of how this movie came into being. Moore writes candidly and personally on why he pursued this project, what intrigued him about the novel, what challenges they faced, how he cast the movie, and how it was filmed. By going beyond the usual soundbites which make up traditional 'Making Of' books, this insider's account allows for the real personality of the project and its people to shine through its pages. The visual heart of the book is wrapped around the movie's script, providing a cohesive narrative arc for the story about how the film has been made. Every spread is packed with major visual elements such as movie stills, storyboard art and behind-the-scenes photos, and these are accompanied by panels of information about backstory, CGI breakthroughs, dictor's comments, cinematography notes, and so on. This annotated format allows readers to go further into the movie at the points they are most interested in: the story itself, the technological challenges, the art, the acting, the strategies and the fun-filled anecdotes, making this a valuable resource which can be revisited even after the release of the DVD in 2006. The final part of the book is a comprehensive reference section keyed to the major characters, providing background information, how the characters were 'retrofitted' for the movie, and interviews with the artists and actors.
Дополнительное описание: Кол-во стр.: 192
Формат: 280 x 220
Дата издания: 2005
Начало Тема Форум Российского общества Вудхауза / Между 5й Авеню и Пикадилли / Интересно, возьмется ли кто-нибудь (мы) так за Вустера...?

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