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Augustine Mulliner
Main page / Bibliography / Who is who / Augustine Mulliner

Augustine Mulliner, nephew of the Angler's Rest raconteur, at one time a pale young curate, assistant to the vicar at Lower Brisket-in-the-midden. Flaxen hair, weak blue eyes, with the general demeanor of a saintly but timid codfish. Transformed by Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo (Grade "B") in Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo. His story resumes in The Bishop's Move, six months after he has become the Bishop's secretary; wins vicarage at Steeple Mummery, Hants, when his younger brother confesses to painting Fatty Hemel's statue. Married to Jane Brandon in Gala Night and vicar at Walsingford-below-Chiveney-on-Thames.

Source: Daniel H. Garrison. Who's Who in Wodehouse
Copyright Michel Kuzmenko (gmk), The Russian Wodehouse Society © 1996-2019. Established 04/04/1996.